TallyDate Date Calculator

Our easy-to-use deadline calculator app helps you stay organized and on top of your deadlines, whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to stay on track. With our app, you can quickly calculate the number of days between any two dates or the number of days until your next deadline.


Simple and easy to use

Simple and easy to use

Simply enter a date and choose your options. TallyDate will will do the rest.

Intuitive date selection

Intuitive date selection

TallyDate Date Calculator features an intuitive mobile-like date selection for ease-of-use on all devices.

Adaptive dark mode

Adaptive dark mode

TallyDate Date Calculator automatically adjusts to your preferred browser settings for a comfortable viewing experience in low light.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it really free?

Yes! TallyDate Date Calculator is part of a developing suite of transaction automation tools. If you enjoy using TallyDate, we think you’ll enjoy our other exciting new tools too.

Is my data secure?

TallyDate Date Calculator collects no data. All calculations are processed directly in your browser, keeping your deadline details safe and secure!

How are holidays calculated?

TallyDate Date Calculator uses U.S. federal holidays in its calculations. TallyDate only counts observed holidays. For example, if a holiday lands on a Saturday, TallyDate will observe the preceding Friday.

Is there a limit to the number of deadlines I can calculate with the app?

Not at all! TallyDate Date Calculator is FREE and without limitations.

How accurate is the app in calculating deadlines?

TallyDate Date Calculator has undergone dozens of test scenarios to ensure accuracy and has been used for countless transactions. If for any reason something doesn’t look right, please let us know! TallyDate strives to maintain 100% accuracy, 100% of the time.

How do I contact TallyDate?

You can contact us at dylan@tallydate.com. If you have suggestions or comments, we'd love to hear them!

© TallyDate 2023